Greetings! I was just reading the
OCAC blog and realized it's about time I share my happenings with anyone still reading my own blog... is anyone out there? A lot has happened since I last wrote - I started a job in picture framing, moved out of the Guild and into a studio with another potter who I'm assisting, and went to
Penland School of Crafts for Elisa Helland-Hansen's workshop. If you're an artist and you haven't heard of Penland, where on earth have you been? It's a magical place. Here's just a snippet of photos from my 2-week adventure:

All I knew about Elisa when I started the workshop was what I read in Penland's catalogue, and I was delighted to have fallen in to her class. Elisa is an excellent instructor and skilled potter. When it was her turn to show slides, she first stood in front of the audience and sang a Norwegian folk song, then showed slides of her pots and photos of Norway, encouraging us to visit. I do hope to visit someday and trek the moutains of Norway with her.
North Carolina is a potter's haven - there were so many studios to visit!
Michael Kline's studio was one of the first stops. We missed him that day, but this ferocious beast was there to greet us instead. Thankfully these lovely ladies managed to tame it.

Elisa & I modeling each other's pitchers in front of the salt kiln. We did 4 different salt & soda firings in 2 weeks!

Pitcher from a soda firing, sold at the workstudy benefit auction to classmate Bobby.

The night I returned from Penland I couldn't resist a decadent treat in one of my cupcake cups. I made a dozen of these to bake cupcakes in - not sure how they would actually fare in the oven & I haven't tested it yet, but they are sweet little dessert cups in any case.
If you'd like to keep up on my pottery happenings more regularly, check out my
Facebook ceramics page.